Trump and Putin

Donald Trump received his briefing on Russia's hacking activity from the big four intel officials of the United States. Trump said it was "constructive" and "he likes these guys", but, yes there's a but, "it didn't effect the outcome of the election". Further, Trump continues to basically not believe any of it and continues to be an advocate of Vladimir Putin.

First let's state the obvious, the anger that all Americans should feel is over a foreign power deliberately attempting to interfere in our elections and the failure of the man about to become President not condemning it and calling out the actors responsible.

Donald Trump is such an insecure person that the only thing he can focus on is the suggestion his Presidency is illegitimate even though that suggestion hasn't been made by anyone in government. You could certainly state as fact that Donald Trump spent eight years trying to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama, you could say that but I'm not going to.

Trump is too emotionally crippled and factually challenged to understand that he won the Presidency fair and square under the absurd rules of our Presidential elections. In his first test of rising above the noise and demonstrating Statesmanship, he has failed.

We hear repeatedly from various sources that once Trump becomes President he will learn he needs to do this or that. No, he won't. Seventy year old spoiled brats with narcissistic personality disorder do not have the ability or desire to learn.

Trump the bully is a classic textbook study. He always says he likes someone he has repeatedly trashed once he must face that person directly, he backs down and then goes back to trashing once he's safely away. If you stroke his ego he loves you, if you criticize him he hates you and retaliates against you.

His admiration of Vladimir Putin is not hard to understand. People like Trump love and admire dictators, strongmen who allow no dissent and dispatch their adversaries with ease. The other reason is Russian money has played a vital role in financing his business interests, we know this by the admission of his own son. The Russian billionaires who have aided Trump could only do so with the approval of Putin, hence, Trump loves Putin.

The Russians have always ran programs to spread disinformation in countries they view as adversaries and this has absolutely been amped up under the Putin era which is in it's seventeenth year and more to come. They are financing the right wing candidate for President of France, how French law allows this is beyond me. Vladimir Putin doesn't like Hillary Clinton and in spite of Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton's lame attempt at inferring that Trump's policy positions were a greater threat to Putin than Clinton's, it does not pass the sniff test.

We need a better relationship with Russia and Putin is a fact of life that cannot be wished away. The original Russian Federation Constitution structured it's Presidency as a four year term with no more than two consecutive terms. Putin held the office for two terms and left in 2008 to become Prime Minister and then returned to thunderous approval to become President again. Shortly after his return a new law was passed making a Presidential term six years. Putin will run for President again in 2018 and will in all likelihood be reelected (duh). There is no doubt that Putin dramatically improved the lives of the Russian people in his original terms of office and no doubt that he is loved and admired by many Russians, those that aren't fond of him mostly keep it to themselves, for good reason.

Trump will try to get Congress to lift all sanctions against Russia, will they? Will the Ukraine fall to Russia or will Putin throw Trump a stageworthy triumph during a major summit within months of assuming the Presidency. Putin could easily withdraw from Ukraine, sign a treaty, call it the dawn of a new Russia U.S. era of cooperation thanks to the art of the deal master himself Donald Trump, all of course in exchange for lifting all economic sanctions. What Republican Congress would be able to say no, especially this one.


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