The Legitimate President

Donald J. Trump is now the 45th President of the United States and make no mistake in your thought process, his Presidency is legitimate. True, he won because our electoral system failed but that does not change the facts. The Russians did not steal our election, Americans are responsible for the outcome. No evidence of any kind has been suggested or proved that a foreign power directly placed their hands on our voting machines and changed votes to guarantee Trump a victory in the Electoral College. If you feel the need to assign blame, put it on F.B.I. Director James Comey, who went out of his way, in contradiction of Bureau protocols, to smear Hillary Clinton with false innuendo. First in the early summer of 2016 and again two weeks prior to the General Election. Blame the Democratic Party as a whole for believing, like the Republicans, that Donald Trump was not a serious threat to them. Blame the hundreds of millions of Facebook users who love to share lies over and over again. Blame the 46% of eligible voters who just skipped the whole thing. Blame the Founding Fathers for not putting a sundown clause on the Electoral College. Blame the Electors for not doing their true job. Blame the media for giving Trump four billion dollars worth of free advertising because they found him entertaining, shocking and good for their ratings. Blame the reality T.V. culture that has turned nothing into something. Blame the short attention span of Americans (the rest of the world is the same, so don't get on your high horse Mr. and Mrs. International.) Blame the world for wanting a revolution based on 140 characters or less. Blame celebrities who believe that their fame means anything beyond the sell of a ticket.

President Trump delivered a sixteen minute Inaugural speech, for which I commend him. These speeches are always too long and flowery about the greatness of our country. We don't have to worry about that with Trump. He gave a marvelous dark and negative portrayal of the United States as a giant craphole. A brilliant move by a master salesman. By weaving the narrative of hell on earth, it lowers expectations and makes anything he achieves seem like a miracle. Bravo.

He is right in a certain way, the U.S. is a giant craphole in many ways. It has yet to live up to it's original promise, instead it remains a class system with lords and peasants but has never assigned royal titles. This way the illusion of a "classless" society remains and we can say, suck that Europe and you too Britain.

How many people showed up for the Inauguration? Only Trump cares. He says it was YUGE, the biggest in history. Not true but instead of just thanking those who came, Trump the celebrity must fudge his Nielsen ratings and stick to the lie. Who cares? More people went to Washington, D.C. on Saturday to protest Trump than went to watch his Inauguration but who cares about facts. Protests took place in large numbers across the U.S. and the world. The protests were peaceful and no arrests were made, that I'm aware of. That's nice, keep organized but don't be deluded, Donald Trump is not swayed by those who oppose him, in fact it makes him stronger. The protests may influence Congress, which ironically may help Trump, if we ever find out what he really intends to do.

As for me, I remain in exile in this craphole country, apart from it's golden manors and mired in it's wretched sewers flushing my cyber turds when the mood moves me. It is my movement and now it's yours.


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