24 Hours

Here's one to piss everybody off. Enjoy!

Last night Barack Obama delivered his farewell address in Trump style with a big venue in Chicago with 20,000 people in attendance. I was moved only by my need to adjust my chair. I have struggled for years to figure out what it is about Barack Obama I find so uninspiring and now I know. He is like the promise of a great song. The first few bars are catchy and the last note tricks you into believing it was good but everything in between is shit.

Last night it was breaking news that a two page unsubstantiated addendum was added to the classified hacking briefing given to the President and President Elect that Russia had compromising information on Donald Trump. By this morning holes the size of the moon had been shot in this story and many news organizations had refused to run with it because it was questionable. What does this so called document show? That Trump fucked a goat? Even if he did, who cares, it gets cold in Russia. Trump is right on this, are you happy with yourselves? If this is what is to be expected as news coverage over the next four years just don't bother.

I think it's safe to assume Russia has files on all prominent business leaders and politicians and by the way so do we. Even yours truly has one and it says, "small time blogger with lots of opinions but warrants no attention." It hurts my feelings.

Enough with the whining about the whirlwind nomination hearings. You wanted a full press Republican agenda, you got it. The Democrats don't have clean hands and they would do the same thing if things were reversed, dry your false tears and bone up on parliamentary procedures and don't make me say it again.


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