Breaking News...

President-elect Donald J. Trump is blaming the dishonest media for portraying him as pro Julian Assange and anti U.S. intelligence officials over the Russian hacking incidents surrounding American elections. As proof for their reporting, the media used Trump's own words and Tweets, thus proving he is an unreliable source.

Again, breaking news, Donald Trump has disavowed the reliability of his own words.

Tomorrow Trump will receive his official intel briefing on the Russian hacking allegations. It is the same briefing President Obama received today and is in prelude to the release of a report to the American people. The meeting was always scheduled for this Friday but Trump said it was to be held on Wednesday and Tweeted that the intelligence officials had pushed it to Friday so they could probably create fictitious information, not his word but most certainly his meaning. But after today's revelation from Trump himself as being an unreliable news source, we can dismiss this and anything else he says or Tweets.

Our foreign correspondents are attempting to reach Julian Assange to confirm reports that he is heartbroken over the apparent breakup of his bromance with Trump.

We'll keep an eye on this developing story.


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