You Make Too Much Money

Donald Trump was on Morning Joe today recapping his glorious debate victory from last night. Yeah Donald, you go, wait what did he just say.

Mika Brzenski pushed Trump on his opposition to raising the minimum wage. Trump brushed it aside with standard false reasons and added he wished he could, he'd love to make it $50.00 an hour but it's just not possible. He said America isn't competitive and in his speedy diarrhea delivery he said and I quote, "wages are too high." Unbelievably he was not pushed on this by the Morning Joe crew. I've watched it three times to make sure I heard it right, I did. If I were a Democratic operative I would make certain that comment was pounced on. I wonder what his supporters, most of whom are low wage earners and middle class workers would feel about their billionaire champion saying their wages are too high?

Last night at the debate Ben "I walk in the footsteps of Jesus" Carson also said he wouldn't raise the minimum wage and added every time there's an increase jobs are lost. Today he said he'd look at the minimum wage but doubled down on his job loss statement. It's an old canard. There is zero evidence of this claim.

Here is hard evidence. Poor people can't afford to save money. An increase in wages gets put back into the economy immediately. We are a 70% consumption economy, hello who do you think supports that economy? Hint, it ain't the rich. They squirrel their money away in large vaults and Hedge Fund schemes and borrow the middle classes meager savings from bankers willing to finance their business larks.

Wake up people, the barbarians are at the gate!


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