Much Ado...

Originally my decision was to not write about this, you have my word, but the situation has evolved or rather devolved to the point it warrants a bit of my much loved brain flatulence.

The Republican Presidential candidates have been in revolt since the CNBC debate last week. Well, not all, well it seems they can't even agree on their revolt. You have my analysis of the debate, it sucked. CNBC does share significant blame for this. It was they who billed it as a night that would focus on the economy but it didn't. Most of the questions were personality driven. The stupidest question was the first one, "what is your greatest weakness?". That question should never be asked in any job interview or of any political candidate. For the record the correct answer is, my greatest weakness is my zero tolerance for ridiculous questions. The second worst question was asking Mike Huckabee if Donald Trump has the moral authority to be President. That issue entirely rests with the voters.

The candidates did themselves no favors with their own responses. Within twenty four hours a lot of bitching had ensued with much of it directed at the RNC and it's Chairman Reince Priebus. A big meeting was held by the representatives of the candidates but the RNC was not invited.

It all sounds like a big deal but really it's not. Politicians, especially the national ones, love to attack the media. It's a winner with base voters, particularly for Republicans. But make no mistake, it's a game. The candidates want and need that free media coverage to put their faces in front of the nation. The Republican's complaining that they have been unfairly questioned and that the Democratic Candidates had easy questions at their first debate is, to be kind, a flat out lie. Anyone who watched that debate knows that Anderson Cooper hit the Dems hard right from the first question.

The suggestions that the Republicans should only be questioned by those who can prove they vote Republican or that people like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin would be better moderators for them is not a smart move. If you can't handle a question from the press how can you possibly face a crisis in the White House? President Obama is dead on with his observations on he loves how all these candidates are going to put China and Russia in their place but they can't handle a panel of commentators from CNBC.

Some of the candidates are now saying they want nothing to do with signing demand letters. Donald Trump says he'll do his own negotiations. Trump is the one on that stage that actually does know the media world and how to make it work for him. There is no doubt that the large audience the Republican debates have is because of Trump. I realize that bothers some and is difficult to absorb but it's true.

So what will happen? Nothing was going to change until after the next debate which is on FOX Business News. In the end these politicians will kiss and make up with NBC and come to terms which allow them to preserve face and yet still plaster said face all over our T.V. screens.

Ben Carson wants everyone on the stage and no challenging of each other. Of course he does, the more the better for him. The less he speaks the better his campaign goes and if his fellow candidates are forbidden to challenge him on the issues the more ignorant the voters can remain to just how much he doesn't know and what an extreme demagogue he really is.

I think I should be the moderator at one of their debates. My first question would be Star Trek or Star Wars? Think about it. The first is a hopeful vision of mankind's future, the second is the transformation of a once great republic into a ruthless imperial dictatorship.

Yeah, reflect on that.


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