Jesus vs. Starbucks

A person's Facebook post criticizing Starbucks holiday cup as part of the war on Christmas has been viewed 12 million times and lead to numerous commentaries. When will this war end? How many elves must die before we stop the insanity?

This years cup is red with the green Starbucks logo in the middle. In previous years it has been red with the logo in the middle but had reindeers, snowflakes and tree ornaments and nothing says Jesus more than symbols taken from commercialism and pop culture.

At first I thought surely this can't be right but then I did some in depth research and found some very interesting information. In the apocryphal writings of sixth century prophet Arabica. Arabica wrote: "in 15 and 20 the deceiver shall empty the cup of joy; you shall know his ways by the bitterness upon your tongue and he shall be called forth from the land of Java."

Powerful stuff.

The Winter Solstice is coming and that's a real thing from which the majority of Christmas traditions are derived. I wish you all a joyous Solstice and may your cup be filled with joy and absent of bitterness.


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