The Shit and The Fan

Bobby Jindal dropped out of the Republican sweepstakes, so yeah, not much more to say there. So long Bob.

After the terrorist attacks and the intensive press coverage I had to shut the news off last Saturday and that is why you, my dear readers, received no thoughts on the Democratic debate that night. Without seeing it I can tell you it was irrelevant. I opted to binge watch episodes of Stargate and Xena, my time was well spent. Sometimes you've just got to pull the plug and disconnect.

I want to take this opportunity to tell all of the news channels to stop playing the combo sad and ominous soundtracks while reporting on Paris. Just stop it, this is not a movie or T.V. show, just stop.

Everything seems bleak but I tell you it is not. Something quite uncommon may be about to happen. ISIS/ISIL may very well have just signed their death warrant and accomplished the unimaginable. All 28 members of the European Union are unified and have invoked full cooperative security measures, never happened in the history of the Union. France has responded to being attacked as an act of war. Russia was already bombing in Syria but now with confirmation of the destruction of their commercial aircraft in Egypt three weeks ago being an ISIS backed attack that killed 224, Vladimir Putin has vowed to hunt them down no matter where in the world they are. President Hollande of France will fly to Washington next week to meet with President Obama and then immediately fly to Moscow to meet with President Putin, he is asking that the U.S. and Russia set aside their differences and join forces to destroy ISIS. If this is accomplished it could lead to an international coalition of military forces that could stop these thugs.

I leave you with the words of Winston Churchill. "Lift up your hearts, all will come right. Out of the depths of sorrow and of sacrifice will be born again the glory of mankind..."


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