Blue Moon of Kentucky...

Lions and tigers and republicans oh my! Kentucky elected Republican Matt Bevin to be it's next Governor. Bevin is a darling of the Tea Party and tried to unseat Senator Mitch McConnell during the primary last year.

In light of Bevin's election the pundit world is exploding with ramblings about what this means for 2016 and it's dark tidings for the Democrats. Wow, these people really need to leave their bubbles a bit more.

Here for the first time I present to you the truth of what Bevin's election means. Are you ready? Please sit down, Kanesrealm is not responsible for injuries suffered from fainting. Alright, it means that the citizens of Kentucky elected a Republican to be their Governor. I apologize for that shocking revelation but truth cares not for your feelings.
They also elected a Democrat as their Attorney General.

Although Bevin despises the Affordable Care Act, even though Kentucky has been one of the most successful states with that law, he backed off his most heated rhetoric about it toward the end of his campaign. He used gay marriage denier Kim Davis as a part of his campaign to fight for the right for all who love Jesus to sow hate and discord. His Democratic opponent by the way, agreed with him on enacting legislation which will permit County Clerks in Kentucky to not do their job if they so choose.

The real driving issue of the campaign is about coal mines and a deep hatred of Barack Obama, who's about as popular in Kentucky as a tick on a hound dog.

As always I'm here to help you understand the complex issues confronting our country. Just old fashioned analysis from Hindtit, Indiana.


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