A Curious Thing

According to the masters of statistics at Google, this blog has had a surprisingly large number of views in Russia. To say I'm surprised by this is a bit of an understatement. I've written a few pieces about Russia here and some more in the past in other places.

Vladimir Putin has just been ranked as the most powerful person in the world according to Forbes Magazine. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is number 2 and President Barack Obama is number 3. I'm not quite certain how they arrive at their decision but it can't be denied that Putin is a powerful leader and one that will not be fading from the international stage anytime soon and no matter what Trump and his fellow Republicans think dealing with him is not a simple matter. You can't wag your finger in his face and say do what we tell you to do.

Putin is flexing Russian military power in Syria and frankly it was an opening we handed him. This action has removed attention from the Ukraine where the reality is eastern portions of that country will move to a close alliance with Moscow based on a former Russian population that "wants" it. The Crimea is back in Russian control and will never be let go of again, it's historical importance as a port for Russia is critical and no sanctions could ever convince them to abandon what they perceive as a matter of national security.

Will Russia remain in Syria long-term? Don't bet on it. They have a base and will fortify it but Putin will not engage in a long term costly battle like their war in Afghanistan in the 1980's. He wants to reinforce Assad's position and yes to be viewed by others in the region as a potential partner. If Putin's forces can deal a serious blow to ISIS/ISIL he will be viewed more favorably.

I'm sure my views in Russia are warmly received by average citizens just looking for refreshing commentary .

I'm not worried.



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