Debate Begone

Are you tired of the lingering stench of the political seasons debates? New from Kanesrealm's R&D labs in Hindtit, Indiana comes Debate Begone®, it's a huge aerosol can available in pine, lavender and mixed nuts. Simply spray a thick fog, then sit back and think of something else.

You may be looking for analysis of last night's Republican Debate on FOX Business, what's that, you couldn't find that channel, don't worry neither can Rupert Murdoch.

The debates are completely meaningless at this point and frankly are making me nauseous. My cable provider doesn't carry FOX Business, is it really a channel? I saw enough of the highlights to know it had  zero content of insightful information. It continued to confirm that Donald Trump is HUGE and Ben Carson knows nothing about foreign policy or economics.

Speaking of Carson it amazes me how pundits so often refer to him as this nice soft spoken man who is pious. Ben Carson's ego is bigger than Donald Trump. Listen to the man's words, don't get lost in the sleepy eyed whispering, actually listen to him and his arrogance on steroids becomes evident. He says that the reason the media is looking into his own statements about the events of his life is because he is a threat to the progressive movement. The only thing Dr. Carson is a threat to is common sense and sober reasoning. He further states that he is the only candidate to undergo this level of scrutiny in history. He has ranted about President Obama's sealed college records, why Ben Carson cries out, why don't you find out why they're sealed. This is an old canard from the 2008 campaign. Here is the answer Dr. Carson, not that facts are important to you, under the Education Act of 1974 all college records of everyone, including you, are sealed for privacy unless the person chooses to release them. Who cares? Let's recap, Ben Carson is desperate to convince us that he has a history of violence so terrible that he went after his mother with a hammer and tried to stab someone in the stomach. This is what he's fighting to prove is true, is this the person we want sitting in the White House with the nuclear codes at his fingertips? He has a portrait of himself with Jesus Christ hanging in his home and speaks in apocalyptic tones.

Marco Rubio said welders make more than philosophers so we need more welders. He was trying to make a positive point about vocational education and truth be told that's a very old line. Turns out it's wrong, philosophers make more than welders. You couldn't tell it by me, I've been in the philosophy game for years with little reward.

Trump doesn't seem to understand that China is not a part of the T.P.P. trade deal, go figure.

And so it goes...


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