
The barbaric terrorist attacks in Paris over the weekend is a reminder of how much fanatical groups like ISIL hate the free people of the world. They seek to murder and destroy freedom. They want to establish a one world order subservient to a sadistic twisted version of religious barbarism. They are delusional.

We must not allow these thugs to determine our way of life. As frightening as it can be we must get up and go about our business. Eat out with friends, attend concerts, go shopping or take a stroll.

As usual Donald Trump couldn't resist chiming in with his usual depth of sensitivity. He just had to say this happened in a city with strict gun laws, if only the citizens had been armed. Donald, for you and those who share your bizarre disconnected views let us reflect with logic. These were suicide attackers each wearing bomb belts ready to die for their demented cause. They struck quickly and in succession. Before any citizen could have drawn their weapon it was over. At the Battaclan you are dealing with a dark concert hall where if everyone was armed and opened fire they would have shot each other and even more would be dead.

Let's bring the gun argument back to the U.S. where so much talk is devoted to everyone being armed. First, a large percentage of Americans don't own a gun and don't want one. Second, of those that do own a gun most can't shoot proficiently. A nation of shaky handed gun toters is a very bad idea.

It is often forgotten that France is our oldest ally and that much of our views of liberty come from them. Let us hope they do not lose those values.


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