Honor Through Action

Today is Veteran's Day and it is easy to offer up platitudes. Yes we should thank all of our veterans and honor the memory of those who have sacrificed their lives.

My late father served this country not once but twice. He never  complained about the draft era and the fact that after he had already served and returned to civilian life he was then recalled to active duty because of national crisis. He simply served, quietly with dignity.

It isn't enough to simply say thanks. We have a covenant with veterans that must be honored and all too often it isn't. We are in a Presidential election cycle and it's up to you to sift through the rhetoric and support those who actually believe in veteran benefits and improving every facet of them including the disability process and guaranteeing no one has to wait for vital treatment and we must not allow the V.A. to be dismantled and handed over to the for profit medical industrial complex.

Say thank you with the most powerful tool at your disposal, vote.


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