Theater of the Absurd

The silly season is here and again I say, our election cycles are too long. We are being subjected to a duality of extremes about money and personal finances.

Senator Marco Rubio is the target of stories by the New York Times and others concerning his debts and lack of savings. You heard me right, they're criticizing the guy's rate of savings. His choice of leased car and buying a speedboat are also under the microscope. We're told that Mitt Romney's team flagged these financial difficulties when they vetted him in 2012 as a potential running mate. Really? Who the hell cares? We mere mortals have debts and sometimes we buy stupid shit, nobody cares. Are you listening media whores? Write something of interest, like oh I don't know, maybe what his political platform is. Senator Rubio and I have many political disagreements but I have zero interest in this trivial crap, leave it alone.

Now to the opposite end of the spectrum. Hillary Clinton has made millions giving speeches and writing books, her husband has made even more. Again, who the hell cares. How much more of this yawn fest are we going to be subjected to before the election? We're being told to wring our hands and wonder if paying somebody hundreds of thousands of dollars to give a speech means you might take their call, fuck yeah. Story over and show me where to sign up to make them speeches cause I'm broke and I'll speak anywhere on any subject and I'll work cheap if you throw in dinner. I don't care how much the Clintons have made, I only care about what Hillary's political initiatives will be.

Hooey I tell you, absolute hooey!
To hell with it, I'm gonna go buy some shit I can't afford. I'm an American!


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