Not So Fast...Track

President Obama wants Fast Track Authority to move forward with the T.P.P. (Trans Pacific Partnership) the miracle trade deal that's going to shed sunshine all over the land and bring us all great prosperity. Wow, sounds great, how about a few more details Mr. President?

Fast Track is not required, in spite of what the President and his allies say, to pass a trade deal. Most agreements have been done without it. What it is required for is the old Potomac two step. You pass a major deal with no debate or public scrutiny and by the time you're done there's no changing it or going back.

Speaking of the President's allies, a whole bunch of them are Republicans who totally hate his guts but man have they praised him on the T.P.P. That's enough to make me nervous.

The new transparency is clearly mud. If the deal is so great why not open it up for debate and scrutiny. Yes, yes I know the political argument that it weakens the President's hand and could jeopardize the deal. The nations involved, about thirteen of them, want this deal and a little debate in our country is not going to kill anything.

But hey what do I know, I'm just a guy with a potato and a dream.


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