The "Word"

Yes, yes, yes, cut, edit out the rest, play on a loop lose our minds and call it a day.

President Barack Obama discussed race relations in a podcast interview over the weekend. He said it  wasn't enough that we have simply decided it's bad to use the "N" word publicly. He's right and there's nothing wrong with him using the word in the context in which he used it. Some folks seem to be apoplectic or at least slightly upset. My advice is get over it.

That word exists and it is used in a variety of ways. I find it disgusting and reprehensible but that doesn't make it go away. It would be nice if it simply faded away but it won't.

What brought this discussion is of course the mass murders in Charleston. Nine African Americans gunned down in their church for no other reason than the color of their skin.

The monster who did this is an evil racist bastard plain and simple, call him what he is. If you accept that there are good people in the world then you must accept there are evil people, this is not the bailiwick of God and religion, it is the action and reaction of opposites. It is the positive and the negative requiring us to face the ugliness that some of our species is so capable of inflicting.


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