Shutta You Face

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced his bid for the Republican nomination for President today. It was a pretty good fiery speech ala Christie. He's gonna tell us like it is, not how we wanna hear it. He's not going to listen to his political advisors on how to answer questions. How refreshing and how mavericky, I do believe we've seen this show.

Christie should have ran in 2012 when there were far more people who actually thought he had pizzazz and star quality. Now a staggering number of New Jersey citizens despise him. They, who know him best, say he shouldn't be President. The credit down grade of his state does not convey confidence in his economic stewardship. Bridgegate is an issue, folks can pretend that it never happened or that he didn't know about it but they are delusional. We're supposed to believe he's a hands on get it done governor but on the other hand knew nothing about his senior aides taking revenge on a non-compliant Mayor? I don't think so.

His bombastic, pugnacious manner can be very entertaining, for some of us, but overall it won't sell for a long campaign. Eventually he will encounter someone who tells him to sit down and shut up, perhaps Donald Trump? Now that's television worth watching. Maybe they could do a reality show, after the campaign of course. The E Network proudly presents "The Political Apprentice".

There are so many Republicans seeking the nomination that at this point it's impossible to look at any polls and make legitimate estimates of where it will all end up. But that won't stop me from predicting that ten of them will be gone after New Hampshire. South Carolina will gut a couple of more.

Christie will not go the distance, Super Tuesday will deliver a blow to him that he cannot survive.


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