America's Dynasties?

Media reports and punditorials (not a real word but it should be) are trying hard to spin the narrative that we have a brewing battle between rival political dynasties. In one corner the Bushes and in the other the Clintons.

Our crack editorial team or is it cracked, has consulted with the prestigious word consultants Funk and Wagnell. According to them the analogy is slightly off.

In our beloved country we do have some families that seem to have members that are always running for something. They prefer to think of themselves as civic minded individuals following proud family traditions.

Speaking of dynasties wouldn't it be exciting if there had been a Presidential battle royal between Blake Carrington and Alexis Carrington-Colby, oh, even better, J.R. Ewing versus Angela Channing. Are these T.V. references too old? Angela Channing was played by Jane Wyman, who was Ronald Reagan's first wife, so by the  transformative laws of celebrity this could have all happened.

Now back to our story already in progress. Whether or not you approve of these American political families probably depends on whether or not you agree with them. Off the top of my head I can name U.S. Senator Prescott Bush, President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush and Governor Jeb Bush. On the other side President Bill Clinton and U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton. Seems a little lopsided to me.

Personally I don't see what all the fuss is about. Going into the family business is a time honored tradition. We are a democratic republic, the choice falls to we the governed, right? Jeb Bush wants to be President and we've always been told he's the sharp one in that family but so far he's not doing so well. He is certainly not the inevitable nominee of his party, anymore than Clinton was in 2008.

Is Hillary Clinton the one to beat in the Democratic Party? Yes she is. It's a very long road ahead but thus far she has only one serious challenger and that is Bernie Sanders, her team would be unwise to underestimate him. He is gaining significant ground in Iowa and New Hampshire. He is assembling an impressive grassroots organization with volunteers and small donors who are highly motivated. Lincoln Chaffee will go nowhere because, well, his whole campaign is Clinton is automatically disqualified because she voted yes on the Iraq war. That's too long of a bumper sticker and it doesn't pop. In any other year former Maryland Governor Martin O'malley might have a shot but he was fizzling before he ever announced. Jim Webb might run but I doubt he'll catch fire.

This is my fourth blog, does that mean I've launched a dynasty? A veritable empire of words nobody's reading, I'm positively giddy with the power.


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