Ettu Ignoramus

I have little patience with ignorant people. I'm not referring to those who have never had an opportunity to learn or the encouragement to pursue knowledge on their own. I'm talking about the willfully ignorant. Those so proud of their ignorance they want to share it with the world.

Some of the biggest offenders are those who wish to wear their faith like a lapel pin. Former U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate once again Rick Santorum is a Roman Catholic who sings it from the bell tower. Lately he's expressed unhappiness with Pope Francis' views on a wide range of topics. Most recently he said the Pope shouldn't be talking about climate change. Pope Francis is about to issue a 192 page encyclical on that subject. Santorum has said that he himself is not a scientist, but he doesn't believe climate change is a real issue. He said the Pope should leave science to the scientists, that the church has gotten science wrong before. Francis has a masters degree in chemistry so in fact Rick, he is a scientist.

Now Jeb Bush, a convert to Catholicism, is saying the Pope should stay out of politics. Bush also doesn't believe that mankind is contributing to climate change. Stay out of politics Jeb? Are you kidding me? Do you know nothing of your own faith? The Pope is a political figure. In case you've forgotten Vatican City is the world's smallest sovereign nation, with full ambassador exchanges with most countries, including our own. History, if you're into that kind of thing, is full of the politics of the Catholic Church.

What were Santorum and Bush's thoughts on John Paul II's direct involvement with Reagan and Thatcher to spy on the Soviet Union using his vast connections through the church behind the iron curtain, it doesn't get more political than that.

John Paul II also famously criticized American Catholics as being cafeteria Catholics, choosing what doctrine they like and dismissing what they don't. One thing I know to be completely true about most Catholic politicians in this country, particularly the Republicans, they completely reject the church's teaching on Social Justice. That's to the extent they even know what it is. Yes I am implying that most are ignorant of the tenants of their own faith. That's across the board in Christianity but not the exclusive domain of that faith.

To the ignorant I say pick up a book or two and widen your narrow mind with the power of the ages. If you do not understand what has come before, how could you possibly begin to deal with what is to come.


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