Our Own Barnum

America's modern day P.T. Barnum, Donald Trump, has finally ended his sixteen year tease and announced he's a candidate for President of the United States.

He descended a golden escalator, much like the gods of old, and took to the podium in his building. The Donald spoke for 45 minutes rambling from one topic to another, but what ties it all together was his obvious greatness. He spoke of the stupidity of most politicians, especially his fellow Republican candidates, he's not completely wrong about that. He pointed out that our government doesn't know how to negotiate a trade deal or anything else for that matter, you have to admit he may be on to something or on something.

He said we've got to stop the influence of special interests and lobbyists. Of course he is a self-admitted special interest and he employs lobbyists.

He compared China to ISIS and suggested they were even more dangerous because of their growing military. That was certainly over the top and lacking sound factual dialogue, oh yeah I forgot for a moment, sorry. Speaking of China, almost all of Donald Trump's branded products are made there. Shirts, ties, cuff links and the like, the rest in Bangladesh, not the good old U.S.A. I guess the art of the deal lead the master negotiator to better shores.

The media and punditry in general may be laughing at Trump's candidacy, but I 'll tell you who isn't laughing, every announced Republican candidate and the rest who might. Trump's wealth and fame will carry him as far as he wishes and he will not hesitate to eviscerate his opponents.

Politicians always seek to control their environments, what they fear is the anamoly, that unforseen event they cannot control. Donald Trump is such an anamoly. Can he win the nomination? Probably not but any of his opponents who underestimate him do so at their own peril. He is certainly entertaining and has fans who might just show up to vote.

Bread and circuses, more wine and figs please!


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