Schlongs and Videos
Yes, that's the title of the post, I don't create the news I just comment on it.
First let's address the statement of Hillary Clinton during last Saturday night's Democratic Debate. Clinton made the case that Trump's Muslim rhetoric is bad for America and hurts our fight against terrorism, that his views are being shown throughout the Islamic world and is a tool for recruitment. This is true, the media in the middle east including Al Jazeera is following our election and broadcasting the words of candidates including Donald Trump. Clinton added in the second part of her statement that ISIS is using Trump in recruiting videos. No video has yet been seen directly made by ISIS or their surrogates. That does not change the fact that she is correct in her analysis and frankly the analysis of every expert on the subject.
Trump demanded an apology from Clinton, which he really doesn't want because it keeps a non-story alive and his name in play. Trump firmly embraces the philosophy that all publicity, good or bad is ultimately useful. The Clinton Campaign responded with a hell no to an apology. In the end this so called controversy will blow away.
During one of his rallies Trump made comments about Clinton using the restroom during a break in the debate. He said it was disgusting, I guess when Trump takes a dump it comes out solid gold and smells like roses. Last time I checked all living creatures must relieve themselves several times a day. If you didn't see the debate, here is what happened, at the halfway point during the break all three candidates left the stage. It turns out the ladies room was twice as far away as the men's room. ABC News, in a moment of poor management, returned to the debate with Clinton visibly missing from her podium and then proceeded without her by asking Sanders a question. Clinton then reemerged and apologized. ABC News dropped the ball here and should not have continued until all candidates were back. Why this merits a vulgar comment from Trump is bizarre, but then again it is Trump.
His next bit of nastiness was to say she was supposed to win in 2008 but she got schlonged by Obama. For those just arriving on the planet, a schlong is a penis. Thus he said she got fucked by Obama. This is perfectly natural for Donald Trump, do not adjust your sets. He has tweeted that by schlonged he meant she was beaten. No, he didn't mean that. His supporters know what he meant and so do we observers from afar.
We've had many vulgar Presidents. In recent times Johnson and Nixon immediately come to mind but they kept their foul language and distasteful euphamisms behind closed doors. Trump has no self sensoring capabilities. If it pops in his head it slips out of his mouth.
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