Oy Vey

Donald Trump is a depressing and negative person. He is not depressed himself but he is a carrier. Therefore I, listen now this is big stuff, I W.R. Kane am calling on the Centers for Disease Control to immediately quarantine Mr. Trump until such time as we can figure out what the hell is wrong with him. Because of the fear of depressive radicalization it is now imperative that all of the infected supporting Mr. Trump be required to register and carry special I.D., we simply have no choice, the homeland is at risk.

We are now at war with stupidity, this may require the adjustment of some of our liberties until this crisis has passed. We must be prepared to go anywhere and do anything to confront this pervasive stupidity.

I know you're frightened but with surety of purpose and unity of reason I believe we can win this war.

If  someone you love has been infected you have a duty to report them so that we can effectively treat them and help them lead a sane productive life.

Thank you for your support during this crisis and don't forget to pick up my new book, "Treasures of the Toilet: American Politics In the 21st Century".


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