The Politics of Tragedy

Another mass shooting but with a twist. Unlike the usual lone wolf assailant without an exit strategy, the San Bernardino act was carried out by a married couple.

We do not yet have the complete picture but the F.B.I. will successfully develop the case and fill in the gaps.

It would certainly appear that these two were, at the very least terrorists in training, with intent to carry out some form of attack or more likely attacks. Their assault on the Board of Health gathering, a department he worked for, does not logically fit the surrounding evidence. It would seem to be a personal diversion that preempted their true purpose.

The husband was an American citizen born in Illinois, his wife was from Pakistan.

Naturally politicians, particularly in an election cycle, never let a tragedy occur without capitalising on it. The Republicans in general tweeted out thoughts and prayers and there's nothing wrong with that. We all say inane things because that's how you console the inconsolable. The Democrats in general tweeted out their thoughts and prayers as well but also threw in gun control rhetoric. Ted Cruz was over the top with his comments stating we were at war and we need a war time President, he said this in his most Churchillian voice. I've heard of Churchill Ted and you sir are no Churchill. Also Ted, we have technically been at war since September 11, 2001 in a war which in fact will never end because of it's whack-a-mole nature.

The majority of us can agree that gun show loopholes should be eliminated and that everyone buying a gun should be subjected to a criminal background check and absolutely if you are on a no fly list you shouldn't be able to buy a gun legally. We could also come to agreement that all assault weapons could be banned from commercial sale, if the lobbyists would get out of the way but that's not likely.

All of the facts are not in regarding this case. By the way, all mass shootings are terrorist acts, just ask the surviving victims and the families of those who didn't. The whole purpose is to inflict terror on the victims and society at large.

Bad people do bad things. That is a simple but true statement. It is times like these that we are reminded of just how efficient and dedicated our first responders are. We have world class law enforcement that relentlessly pursues the bad guys (and girls) and stops them.


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