Takesy Backsy

When you're wrong, you're wrong. I'm among the smartest people I know but even I get it wrong sometimes. Making a mistake is not the problem but failing to acknowledge it is. In my post "The Politics of Tragedy" I said if you're on the no fly list for terrorists you shouldn't be able to get a gun but I am in error in that assessment. I know that there have been problems with this list in the past, some very prominent, such as the late Ted Kennedy but according to our own federal poohbahs approximately forty percent (40%) of the names on that list are a false positive. Which means it's fucked up.

Even my flabby white Irish ass might be on the list, I wouldn't know cause I never leave the country, I barely leave the county and as the unelected Mayor of Hindtit I'm above reproach.

So there you have it dear readers, an acknowledgement of my mistake, I swear it will happen again but I will always own up to it.

Note: this in no way changes the fact that we are gun crazy nation of Yosemite Sams looking for an excuse to shoot somebody.


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