The Outsider Myth

Let's get right to it. No one running for the Presidency in either major party is an outsider. No matter what spin you hear from the individual candidates or what the media regurgitates, don't believe it. Take some time for a little reflection and application of logic.

A truck driver, auto mechanic, janitor or retail clerk, all of these people would be outsiders. It is in the Republican Party where this word is predominantly being used, specifically to describe three people. First up is Donald Trump, a billionaire real estate tycoon born to a life of privilege as the son of a real estate tycoon. By no stretch of the imagination can he be described as an outsider. By his own admission he knows politicians well and has been playing the game since day one of his business life.

The second is Carly Fiorina. She loves to tell the the story of secretary to C.E.O. but it's a myth. She was born into a privileged family and had all the right opportunities. She spent six months working part time as a receptionist for a prestigious real estate company. Her sterling education then paved the way for fast track management positions in corporate America. A big part of her demise at H.P. was her dictatorial approach. She tolerated no dissent, did not believe in listening to others and if you did disagree with her, she fired you. She received a golden parachute to leave H.P. while 30,000 plus people had their lives destroyed with no padding to cushion their fall. She ran for U.S. Senate in California, spending millions of dollars to unseat Barbara Boxer and failed miserably. She is not an outsider.

Finally, Dr. Ben Carson, celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon. He has walked with and been embraced by the pinnacle of our societies elite for most of his adult life. He has made a lot of money professionally in medicine and from his Hollywood movie fame, books and lecturing. He has been advanced by the  insider right wing since Barack Obama first became President. He is not an outsider.

The Outsider Myth is routinely used in politics. It doesn't exist. Do not allow yourself to be fooled no matter how much you want to cling to this illusion. Reality hurts sometimes but we can't fight for real change if we allow ourselves to get lost in the fog.


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