Postus Interruptus

Bless me readers for it has been eight days since my last post and I am heartily sorry for my transgression. My pennance will be to watch the three hour Republican Presidential debate on CNN tonight, yours will be to suffer my opinions on it later.

Honestly the election shtick has been a tad boring. Rick Perry dropped out, but that's not news. The fact he was running as a man under criminal indictment in Texas for alleged misdeeds while Governor is news but you couldn't tell it by the media coverage or his opponents complete silence on it. Why he ran again is unfathomable. The only thing he's remembered for from his 2012 race was his inability to remember his own rhetoric. We were told he would be a juggernaut, he was a dud. Biting the dust early this time is no surprise.

Bobby Jindal tried to get some traction by attacking Trump, that went no where. Governor Jindal's time, which never was and never will be, has passed. He will not be picked for V.P. so he should just go away and maybe govern his state. Just a thought.

Oh, oh, Sarah " I Quit Being Governor of Alaska Two Years into my First Term So I Could Make Millions off of Undeserved Fame" Palin was back in the news, seriously that's her full name, Google it. Sarah spoke glowingly about Donald Trump and wants to be in his cabinet as Secretary of Energy so she can abolish it. Palin doesn't know what the Energy Department does nor does she know as it's Secretary she couldn't get rid of it. So good to see she's keeping up with her reading.

Ben Carson is rising in the polls but he's still batshit crazy, proving that something is horribly wrong with the people the Republicans are polling.

After her run in with Pontius Pilate Kim Davis returned to work and vowed not to compromise her beliefs. She hides in her office when same-sex couples apply for a marriage license and let's her deputies deal with it. She says the licenses are not legal without her signature. The Governor of Kentucky says they are. She may not be signing the licenses but she is ultimately approving them with the imprimatur of her office so she really needs to resign, lest her immortal soul burn in hell because two people in love got married on her watch.

That's all from Hindtit, Indiana but more to follow...


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