Mr. Trumps Army

No doubt you're aware of the controversy circling Donald Trump today. I was watching the rally live because the news channels treat every Trump appearance like FDR is about to speak. Shame on the media for doing this.

Trump decided to take questions from the audience. The first question came from a whackadoo who said our problem is Muslims, our current President is one and not an American. He went on to say there are Muslim training camps in our country and when can we get rid of them. Trump agreed and said "we'll be looking into that and many other things and many people are saying that."

Many in the media are focusing only on that first guy. Let's be clear, no fewer than three of these conspiracy fanatics posed similar questions with one regurgitating the old fantasy of these terrorist Muslim training camps in our country that the FBI knows all about but does nothing. Trump agreed with all of this and did not challenge for proof or tell these people they are wrong.

I don't know what's in Donald Trump's mind but I do know he's a vacuous gasbag that neither listens or cares what anyone else has to say. His encouragement of these fringe ideas is irresponsible and unbecoming of a person who claims to want to lead the free world.

Conspiracy theorists have always been around but this anti Obama and Muslim fantasies are quite dark. In that world President Obama established reeducation and death camps when he assumed office. I'm not exaggerating because I live in Indiana where one of these camps supposedly exists. It is an abandoned train station in Beech Grove, convenient for disposing of the non-compliant by rail. I have met people who believe this. I have gone to that train station and the only sign of life was a group of pigeons, though they did look depressed so perhaps they were being held against their will by unseen guard cats.

Sadly Donald Trump is right when he says that his media coverage is because he draws ratings. CNN charged 40 times the normal amount for an ad during a Presidential debate and got it because Trump was on stage, he wasn't very entertaining that night but his presence guaranteed a larger than normal audience. One wonders how many of those viewers actually vote.

The Trump campaigns response to the controversy was a completely disconnected and incoherent blather about protecting Christian rights.

The circus continues....


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