Buzzer Denied Sting

The Huckster, old Bumble Bee Mike Huckabee himself went to Kentucky to stare down Pontius Pilate, only to be thwarted by the fact Kim Davis had been ordered to be released from jail by the same Judge that put her there early this morning. She could have quietly left the jail with the piety and modesty of, oh, what's his name? Yeah, yeah, that Jesus guy. But oh no, she exited to the theme of Rocky 3 and cried for her followers while praising the living God.

The Huckster clearly hadn't anticipated her release  but didn't bother to alter his speech.
It was full of demagogic nonsense about releasing her and imprisoning him in her place. I'm all for that but what a load of shit and he knows it.

Davis was released because her deputies are issuing licenses. Here's an interesting factoid, the media has examined one of those licenses issued while she was in jail, it does not have her name pre-printed on it, which is what we were told last week. So what's the deal?

Some are saying a license issued without her signature isn't legal. The County Attorney says they are, so perhaps another court date is coming.

Davis was ordered not to interfere with the issuing of licenses but her lawyer says she won't violate her conscience. Another trip to jail may be in her future or she could simply resign because of her profoundly held beliefs. Nah, that $80,000.00 a year is too sweet and she wouldn't want to fade from the public yet, not before she sufficiently monetizes her love of Jesus.

By the way there are two other Kentucky County Clerks who have also been refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. The only reason they haven't  faced a judge is because they haven't been sued, yet.


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