Boo Hoo Billionaire

So I took a few days off from blogging and thought I wouldn't comment on this but I 've changed my mind, we all get to, go ahead and do it I 'll wait. There you go, feel better?

While I was away the gaming billionaire that invented Minecraft was bitching and bemoaning how being rich isn't all it's cracked up to be. He had a girlfriend he was crazy about but she left him because of his "lifestyle", whatever that really means. Perhaps he should examine that lifestyle and determine why it drove her away.

He complained that being rich takes away initiative and you become lazy. Why did you want to be rich sir? To work harder or enjoy all that life has to offer when you don't have to worry about how to buy food and pay the rent.

His rants drew considerable comment in social media, with many suggesting he's depressed. He replied, in the twittosphere, as one does, that he isn't depressed.

Okay, I believe you. So the problem is just you. It is true that not being hungry will diminish your drive to worry about work, you lucky bastard. Billions of us don't have the luxury and we know what it means to actually be hungry. Money won't buy you happiness but it makes misery incredibly comfortable.

If you're super rich and feeling like there's just nothing to do, try stepping outside of yourself and putting your money to good use by helping individuals who really need help with food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and education. Do something that doesn't involve laying in a pile of Cheetohs complaining about your empty life.

Yes I do know his name but didn't put it in the post because I don't want to diminish anyone's initiative to look it up for themselves. Besides this bed of Cheetohs is really comfortable and what's my motivation?


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