A Webb of Confusion
Former U.S. Senator Jim Webb has been criticized for defending the Confederate Battle Flag. But did he really? The answer is a nuanced yes and no. Webb's contention is that the issue is more complex than some, according to him, are allowing it to be. He states that Confederate soldiers fought with honor and that the use of the flag by racists have twisted the issue. I don't think anyone has cast aspersions on the honor of Confederate soldiers for this reason, a Civil War naturally contains within it a reconciliation at it's conclusion. As a nation we have already done this. The Confederate Flag certainly became a tool of defiance to Civil Rights and therefore a symbol of intolerance. There are still those who wish to advance a narrative that slavery was not the main issue for the Civil War. They will often massage it as a states rights issue conflict. Which is the same thing. It was a states rights issue of those states that believed it was perfectly acceptable to own hu...