
It was the second century Roman scholar Maximus Deficatus who first plunged the depths of this subject. Something of a humorist in his day, his public lectures were legendary for leaving many a Roman Senator with long brown streaks on the back of their togas.

Today during a meeting with numerous officials on the subject of immigration, President Trump asked why we get so many people coming from "shithole" countries, refererencing Haiti and Africa. It's not clear the President is aware Africa is a continent containing many countries. He said if Nigerians saw America they wouldn't want to go back to their huts. He doesn't seem to know that Nigeria is a nation of 186 million people with many beautiful cities as well as impoverished areas. He wondered why we can't get more Norwegians. Well Mr. President there isn't a line of Norwegians waiting to come, because they don't want to.

Poor people living in hellish depravation do want to come, to pursue the fabled American dream. The same as our own ancestors. My family has been here a long time, according to some records as far back as 1765. My people came here with a dream and a potato, the dream withered and so did the potato.

For the President of the United States to make such a comment, in such a setting and such a callous manner is pathetic and highly insulting to others National pride and psychology for their daily struggle to survive. It is not their fault that many of them live in poverty and have virtually no opportunity. Some of Trump's most strident supporters may be saying A-fucking right to his comment, but there is no thought behind the sentiment.

Mr. President, I have a message for you, lean in close to the screen because I don't want you to miss it. The United States is full of shitholes. You wouldn't know this because you're a rich spoiled brat raised with a staff to wipe your own poop chute. Your entire adult life has been spent high in gilded penthouses, driven by limos and flying on jets, surrounded by sycophants telling you how great you are. You are selfish and totally self consumed, you believe the sun and moon are for you alone.

I live in an unincorporated no man's land but the nearby town I'm postally assigned to, the county seat no less, is a shithole. It's not a shithole because of the people, it's because there's no economic opportunity, no industry or investment and an eternal Republican dominated local government that really doesn't care. There are thousands of these shitholes throughout the United States, all with one thing in common, no hope.

A lot of shock has been expressed about Trump's comment but isn't it really just another example of his inconsiderate non thinking manner. He has no impulse control or inner monologue to muzzle his nastiness nor does he want those things. He doesn't need them, that's what his life has taught him.

Don't misunderstand me, we should be outraged and all the other adjectives available, but his behavior will never change. He's a megalomaniac and he's President and enough Americans wanted that to make it happen.

Like all slick used car salesmen he promised a smooth running classic but gave you an as is piece of shit and there are no lemon laws for the Presidency, except the 25th Amendment, which will never happen and impeachment which is highly unlikely absent an explosive finding by Mueller.

By the way, his use of the word shithole is not a crime or impeachable offense, no matter how shitty you think it is.

I often read on Facebook and various memes, how much longer must we endure this buffoon? Three to eight years is how long.

Welcome to the shithole.


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