
If you've been playing the home edition of my little game here, you're pretty much up to date on many of my political opinions, not to mention the god thing.

I've been plowing the blogging field for eleven years, with kanesrealm there are close to 400 commentaries provided for your pleasure or nausea. It has been my comfort and a frustration that now needs to be squashed.

I've often mused about what happens to bloggers when they simply disappear? Did they die? Did they get bored? Did they wise up? I've taken a couple of breaks and let my readers know when I was doing it. A blog is a snapshot in time, the poster's synaptic firestorm, however disjointed or blathering it may be, it is a story of sorts and when the end has come, it should be said. A dragon and a few knights would make the ending more gratifying but that's not here. Mind you, it doesn't mean there can't be a sequel.

Clearly I'm not dead... yet, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this. As a political opinion writer you might think the era of Trump would be providing heaps of ideas for commentaries and you would be right. But I'm not giving away my talent in this forum anymore. I think eleven years is enough. Yes, you read that right, talent. Not every commentary is a shining star but there's one thing I know after 40 years of putting pen to paper, or stylus to keypad, I'm a good writer. My words have value. No more freebies.

I have now left as much of social media, as an active participant, as is possible. It seems some platforms are a bit difficult to unjoin, they just don't want you to go, you know, because you're so important. Facebook, my favorite punching bag, is a farsical land of cyber assassins and "friends" who don't know your favorite color, even if you answered one of the platforms questions masked as a get to know you better but really serves as a better advertising algorithm to serve your consumerism. It is overflowing with propaganda of all political stripes. The twisting of loose facts and outright lies is an avalanche of anti-intellectualism the likes of which should mobilize liberals and conservatives to join forces and crush Mark Zuckerberg's hell spawn. I know, it wasn't really his idea, but he got the billions so he's to blame. Well, only partly, the rest are the users. I'm a conversationalist and that is non-existent in social media. Facebook is a bit like high school, do you like me? Hell know I don't like you and wouldn't be caught dead in your company outside the cyber world! Twitter is nothing more than a diarrhea mine field where users display an inability to control their sphincter, do you want to bathe in diarrhea?

There's no need to unsubscribe. There's no need for you to do anything. The blog will remain accessible for now, so enjoy your favorite episodes as often as you like, feel free to binge. Organize your friends for kanesrealm party nights, discuss the nuances and what you would have done different. Make some t-shirts, start a letter writing campaign to bring kanesrealm back from cancellation, hey maybe you could start a social media campaign!

I won't end with any cheesy lines. I'll just say, it was gouda.


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