Regret Tour 2018

"Sloppy Steve Bannon" is on a mission to clean up his gaffes in the book "Fire and Fury". In Trump World a gaffe is when you tell the truth about the Trump family.
Self proclaimed Leninist and all round destroyer Bannon is softening his statements about Trump, particularly Don Jr., whom he previously accused of being treasonous. Now Don Jr. is a great American and swell guy.

Bannon's delusion that he is a Kingmaker is beginning to cause him his own problems, the most important of which is the strain between himself and billionaire family the Mercers, it is they who financed the late Andrew Breitbart and kept Breitbart News going. They have publicly distanced themselves from Bannon and one wanders if Bannon may again exit Breitbart, this time forever.

The Ivy League educated Bannon who was a Goldman Sachs executive and wannabe Hollywood producer continues to go out on the campaign trail and talks to blue collar workers like he's one of them, shades of Trump, the difference is his language is forced and condescending. Listen up workers of America, Steve Bannon is your enemy. He serves the invisible army of money lords that want to break the system and force you back into living in factory towns, where as the song so aptly says, "I owe my soul to the company store."

A pox on the House of Bannon, he is the deceiver.


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