Bye Bye Bannon...

At least for now. Stephen K. Bannon, Republican party destroyer, self identified Leninist and arch nemesis of the razor is out as Chairman of Breitbart News.
The Mercer family which owns Breitbart dumped Bannon this afternoon. He has been on thin ice with the billionaire family for many months and his comments in the Michael Wolff book, "Fire and Fury" was a bridge too far. The Mercers are major behind the scenes supporters of Donald Trump and they have had enough of his arrogance and self delusion as a master of the universe and kingmaker of Trump, which he never was.

Now Bannon is unemployed and has no platform from which to launch his daily assaults on his enemies. More importantly he's now cut off from the Mercer's money.
Bannon is not a poor man but he's not in the megabucks ballpark of those he's served. So what does he do now? Will he use his savings to go out on the campaign trail to hurl fire bombs at the Republican establishment? Not likely. He's going to have to shop around for a new billionaire backer. Who might that be when you consider Trump no doubt played a role in bringing him down and the President just delivered a huge gift to the ultra wealthy with his massive tax cut abomination, why rock the boat and poke the scorpion.

Bannon's ego led him to believe that he was the true power in the Trump voter coaltion, he never was. Trump and Trump alone is the center of that personality driven movement.

Will Trump and Bannon make up at some point? If it suits Trump's need, absolutely but Bannon will always be the frog in that relationship and we know what happens when you give a scorpion a ride.


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