Where's the Money Mr. Trump?

Put on your memory caps and come back with me a few months ago. Remember when Trump was in a tizzy complaining about how unfair the debates were and he was at "war" with FOX News? He skipped one of the debates and instead held a rally for the purpose of raising charitable donations for Veterans. Trump claimed to raise six million dollars. It was reported at the time that donations did not go to a special fund but went directly into Trump's organization.

Did you ever wonder what Veteran groups received that money? The answer is none. The television media has all but ignored this story but there are investigative reporters who continue to knock on Trump's door and neither Trump or his organization will address the issue.

Did he lie about raising the money or did he decide to just keep it? Donald Trump has said that he could shoot someone and never lose a vote, this story of possible fraud that few people seem to care about may very well be proof of that.

Trump claims to be all about helping veterans but there is zero evidence that he has personally done anything and he certainly has no real policy proposals for what he would do to improve the lives of both active duty and veterans alike.

The great and powerful Trump, when will people look behind the curtain?


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