Nanny State Expansion

Jerry Brown of California has become the latest Governor to sign a law raising the legal smoking age to 21. I reiterate what I've said before in this blog, you can fight and die for your country on remote battlefields but you can't light up to relieve your stress. This latest act however is not the important news you need to focus on.

The FDA has had regulatory control of cigarettes for a little while, now they have gained control of e-cigarettes, cigars including premium hand rolled, pipe tobacco and hookah. This unprecedented nanny seizure has rammifications yet to be revealed.

If, like me, you are a pipe and cigar smoker, I suggest you begin stock piling your supplies. I can't afford to but if you can, do it. Let me explain why. There are already highly restrictive states in the U.S., Washington has a 75% excise tax on tobacco and has made it illegal for it's citizens to mail order tobacco products. They must purchase locally.

The FDA could pass regulations stopping all smokers nationally from purchasing pipe tobacco and cigars through the internet or catalog sales. This could become a reality. The selection of products available to myself and millions of others sucks. This combined with higher tax rates will achieve the reduction of smoking through fiat and potentially destroy a small artisan industry.

Remember, the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives is controlled by Republicans, those alleged conservative defenders of freedom so don't bother blaming the Democrats.

So many major problems confronting this country and it is always these kinds of issues our fearless leaders focus on.



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