Politics 101
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have both complained that their respective Parties have rigged systems and that the establishments of both are out to stop them.
The media describes both of these men as insurgents. The truth, if I may be so bold to state, is that all political candidates for any office they do not currently occupy are insurgents. Ronald Reagan was an insurgent who won. Barack Obama was an insurgent that won. All of those Tea Party candidates that swept the Congress in 2010 were insurgents.
The establishment which we hear so much about are nothing more than Party functionaries and current senior office holders who worry about the long-term implications of a given candidates success and or destructive influence on other races down ticket. They are not omnipotent and the days of the true power of Party Bosses is over, much to their regret.
Bernie Sanders knew the rules of the Democratic Party when he chose to run which is why his complaining now is a bit much to take. Sanders has run an incredible campaign but he is not defeating Clinton, not by the rules of the Party and not by the raw numbers including popular vote and pledged delegates. He was out organized by the Clinton Campaign at the Nevada State Convention this past weekend and the behavior of some of his supporters there is disgraceful. Sanders is becoming increasingly antagonistic to the Democratic Party as a whole which is fascinating since he seeks to be it's standard bearer. He says it is an uphill battle but believes he can arrive at the Convention with the most pledged delegates. He can't, the math does not add up. What his die hard supporters hear is if Bernie is not the nominee they were robbed. If Sanders does not address this it will not bode well for the General Election.
So why should Sanders care? It is being repeatedly suggested that a lot of Bernie's supporters will vote for Trump if he's not the Democratic Nominee. How anyone could be so stupid is beyond me but my life experience has taught me to never underestimate the stupidity of my fellow human beings. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are not the same in anyway and Sanders is going to have to make this fact clear.
Exactly what Donald Trump knew about the rules of the Republican Party when he threw his hat in the ring is unknown but I would guess absolutely nothing and even if he did understand the process he would still bitch and moan because that's who he is. Scream and throw tantrums until he gets his toy is the Trump way.
Do the Parties need to reform their rules? Yes they do, just as we need overall election reform. I've written about what Congress needs to do, so for your pleasure here's what the Parties need to do. Eliminate all Caucuses, they are overly complicated and far from a democratic exercise. All primaries in all fifty states and territories, no delegates, popular vote wins the day. All States operate the same. State Party Conventions should only be for rubber stamping the popular vote, bitching and getting drunk.
Yet another outstanding set of recommendations from the brain trust here in Hindtit, Indiana, you are most welcome. By the way, you would still be losing Bernie.
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