A Big Problem

The first rule of politics is never underestimate your opponent. Every Republican candidate did this concerning Donald Trump. Not one of them took him on aggressively from day one. The presumptive nominee, Jeb Bush, allowed Trump to define him as a low energy clueless dolt for weeks before attempting what repeatedly was a weak counterattack. The rest of them ducked for cover hoping not to be a target. Trump chose Bush as his first victim because he knew that strategically he had to dispatch him quickly. Trump has repeated this pattern each time a new person rose in the ranks. But still the field failed to take his candidacy seriously.

Donald Trump has been threatening to run for President since 1996. The Republican Party in theory should have a massive oppo research file on him but they don't. The reason is as simple as underestimating him and also repeatedly going to him for political donations. Like any smart businessman he has spread the wealth over both major parties and individual candidates. Any Republican running this cycle would have gone to Trump Towers to ask for his endorsement, just like Mitt Romney did in 2012. They were all thrilled to have him attack President Obama and to make the birther nonsense a continuing national story.  Not one spoke out against the outrageous claims that Obama was not really an American citizen. Now they are all in Trumps crosshairs and they are impotent to stop him.

Only days before Super Tuesday and after three victories are Rubio and Cruz trying to go toe to toe with him and they only have petty mockeries and outdated stories to attack with. They could attack his policies and he does have some the problem is his economic agenda of tax cuts for the rich, anti minimum wage increase and belief that American wages are too high is what the Republican Party is all about in the 21st Century.

So we get demands that he release his tax returns by Cruz and Rubio and tweets from Mitt Romney, who has zero credibility. No political candidate is required by law to release their tax returns or medical histories, it has been customary but make no mistake it is a loser attack. Cruz is even suggesting, in the sleeziest of lawyerly language, that perhaps it shows connections to organized crime and infamous gangster Fat Tony Solerno. Tell us all Senator Cruz, where is it on your tax return you indicate your criminal income? His other suggestion is that perhaps Trump isn't as rich as he says. No tax return reveals your overall wealth and who cares. I do seem to recall that it is Trump who flies around on a decked out personal 757, let's just agree he's comfortable.

Trump's latest problem, which would stop most politicians, but not him, is the KKK and white supremacy. David Duke endorsed Trump a few days ago too which, when pressed, Trump disavowed. Later in the weekend during interviews Trump acted like he doesn't know anything about David Duke. There is no way he doesn't know who Duke is. He has been a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and has been involved in Louisiana politics for decades and would be Presidential candidate. Trump also understands what a white supremacist is. He is only mildly speaking against them out of a thoroughly disgusting move not to alienate even a small percentage of votes ahead of Super Tuesday. But again because he has been allowed to get this far without serious substantive rebuke from both the Republican Party and the media it seems highly unlikely he will be derailed.

The media in general bares significant responsibility for the rise of Donald Trump. He has played them like a fiddle and they have been a willing participant because he brings them big ratings. Trump has every major media outlet on speed dial and none of them refuse his calls. They have covered his rallies and given him unprecedented free media, often playing his off the cuff speeches from start to finish, as though he were already the President. It is a disgrace and they have failed the American people.

Live from Studio B it's the most popular reality t.v. show in history, "Election Gladiators: 2016" with your host Kim Kardashian.


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