Trump Is Right

What? Good God Kane have you lost your mind? Not at all, I assure you I know the precise location of my mind.

Donald Trump says he will not do the FOX debate tomorrow night and his decision is correct and in his position I'd do the same. FOX News, with the consent of Roger Ailes, putting out a press statement that they have received backchannel information that Putin and the Ayatollah plans to treat Trump unfairly if he's President and saying Trump will use his Twitter followers to determine whether he'll meet with them is phoney, juvenile and anyone with a functioning brain knows it's tounge in cheek and meant to get under the skin of Trump. This from a News organization making up a story. Oh right it's FOX, so it's just another day.

Trump doesn't need FOX, it's debate or any other media outlets services. They all cover him non-stop because he's good for ratings and he is a master manipulator of the media in general. He is like no other political figure in our history. He can tell the media to kiss his ass and they will all fall in line to both cover it and kiss it.

The media is in overdrive talking about, will it hurt him or help him. It will not hurt him one bit and he will lose no votes in Iowa because of it. Hope that clears things up for everybody.

Good job Donald and if you're ever near Hindtit I can guarantee you one person, two cows, a chicken, a hawk and a coyote will attend your rally.

Ignore the turkey vultures, they're always looking for a tasty rotting tidbit.


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