Not Again

The New York Times is reporting that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has instructed his team to begin analyzing an independent run for the 2016 Presidential election. The former Democrat turned Republican turned Independent turned Nanny multi-billionaire is reportedly reviled by the thought of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee and Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. His advisors say he must decide by March if he's going to run.

Here's my advice Mike, stay out of it.

Bloomberg has told his inner circle he's prepared to spend one billion dollars of his own money to finance the campaign. Let us journey now to the recent past. In the 2008 Presidential cycle Bloomberg made the same financial commitment and teased at an independent run then, even meeting with potential running mates like Republican Chuck Hagel. There was a massive online petition to draft Bloomberg, with his permission of course. He ultimately decided not to run but milked it for all it was worth while simultaneously pressuring the New York City Council to change the law barring him from seeking a third consecutive term as Mayor. They did, he did and he won.

While all of that was going on in  2008 there was also a movement by thoughtful and well meaning people called Unity '08. The purpose was to bring together for a one time shot a Presidential and Vice-presidential ticket to challenge the two major parties and bring an independent unified team of diverse candidates to the White House. The movement failed.

Throughout our history there has been a repeated bemoaning of, if only an independent would run. But the evidence is clear that the American electorate repeatedly rejects it when presented with the option. That includes those saying they want it. When push comes to shove the lever is pulled for the Republican or the Democrat.

Bloomberg absolutely would not be the choice of those who are truly independent minded. His belief in a nanny state would guarantee his failure. This is the man who thinks government should control how big of a soda pop you can buy at a convenience store and that is just one of his lighthearted, laughable beliefs. Like Zeus on Mount Olympus he truly believes he knows what's best for the masses.

He may be reviled by Trump for many reasons, perhaps he should articulate a few of them. His fear of Bernie Sanders is easy to understand. Bloomberg is a major supporter of Wall Street and doesn't want to see a President who might actually try to achieve his rhetoric about the growing American oligarchy of which Bloomberg is a member.

A Bloomberg independent candidacy is doomed to fail but he's welcome to blow a billion if he wants, the consultant class could use the money and the pundits can use more grist for the mill.


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