Daddy Warbucks
Mike Bloomberg is playing peekaboo presidential politics again. Yes I did just write about it but let's do some more. Bloomberg is worth an estimated 36.5 billion dollars so as you can see his pledge to spend a mere one billion of his own money is nothing to him. He makes Donald Trump look poor.
Let's be clear, he claims to be repulsed by the thought of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee but I bet he wasn't always repulsed by the New York real estate tycoon.
Beyond his massive ego and Nanny state wet dreams, what is his real motivation for letting this information out now? He's broadcasting it loud and clear and it's aimed at Democratic voters, are you listening? He is stating with zero ambiguity that if Bernie Sanders is the nominee he'll seriously consider an independent campaign. If you nominate Hillary Clinton, no probs, he'll stay out. That's how Clinton interprets her friend Mike's statement so she's going to help him out by winning, smile, wink, nod.
I'm not insinuating that Bloomberg is attempting to interfere in the Democratic Primary with threats of an independent run, I'm stating it as a fact. He would pull no votes from the Republican side, he could only draw from the Democrats and independents would not flock to him no matter what his advisors and his own ego tell him. A poll released today shows he would get 12% of the vote in a three way race with Trump and Sanders, leaving those two in a dead heat. That 12% is highly suspect, my prediction and my ego says you can take it to the bank is that he would get no more than 4% of the vote and that's because of the amount of cash the little prince can dump in the media. But it might just be enough to guarantee a Trump victory which is why Trump could care less if Bloomberg enters the fray. He cannot hurt Trump and unlike Trump Bloomberg comes across as an elitist billionaire snob, mostly because he is. Aside from a few provinces of the east coast and some corners of California he would be rejected.
Bloomberg thinks he would have appeal to the center because of Sanders leftie tendencies but guess what that's a load of baloney. The gravel voiced man of the people from the Bronx Bernie Sanders would have far more appeal to the middle class center than Bloomberg particularly on Second Amendment rights where Bloomberg is essentially in favor of gutting any citizens right to own a gun.
If Bloomberg runs, tune in often because this observer will have lots to say.
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