
I am really sick of here's some more.

President Trump held a news conference today which lasted seventy-seven minutes. That length is somewhat rare for Presidents. It was scheduled to announce the new nominee for Secretary of Labor, Alexander Acosta. Acosta himself was not present but it's a safe bet that he should easily make it through the nomination process based on a cursory examination of his record and the fact that he has been approved by the Senate on three other occasions. Trump made that brief announcement and then began the press conference with an opening statement about how great he is and how horrible the mess is that he has inherited.

If you didn't see it, please watch it in it's entirety. Don't just catch a snippet or two and listen to your favorite media outlets discuss it. I know it's hard but you need to do it.

Whether or not you like him or not you must admire his consistency as one of our greatest illusionists on the scene today. His ability to rapidly lie, distort and weave the fantasy that best suits him is breath taking. He himself, walking and talking, is the greatest weapon in his arsenal. Even when confronted with truth that destroys his lie, he brushes it off and moves to the next lie. Like all habitual liars, he lies about things that he doesn't even need to. He did tell the truth about one thing, he was enjoying the press conference. He does indeed love confrontation and that's why you will probably see more events like this. He is his best surrogate, the rest of them suck at it. Kellyanne Conway has now been barred from Morning Joe for her lack of credibility. That matters because Trump watches that program and called into it many many times during his long campaign to become President.

There are psychologists who have dissected Trump's language and concluded he speaks at a sixth grade level. That might be an insult to contemporary sixth graders, I don't know. I do know he speaks in the same way most people speak in bars, it's word salad and brain diarrhea that oozes out without any reflective thought or grasp of fact.

Oh well, just another day in Trumpland.


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