Finely Tuned

President Trump says his Administration is running like a finely tuned machine, not at all chaotic like the evil minions of the media are reporting.

Trump is right, if your definition of a finely tuned machine is one that is spewing oil, springs popping off, gears locking up and billows of smoke filling the air.

We learned this evening that Trump's pick to replace Mike Flynn as National Security Adviser, Vice-Admiral Harwood, turned down the offer. The lying media cites Harwood as being conflicted between the call of duty and the chaos surrounding National Security matters in the Trump Administration. Trump and company have of course cited other reasons, namely financial and personal. I'm sure that's it.

We have also learned, through the evil minions, that apparently Flynn lied to the F.B.I. on January 24, 2017 about speaking to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions. Lying to the F.B.I. is a felony and if prosecuted and found guilty serious jail time can follow.

Today President Trump signed a bill rolling back protections of rivers and streams from coal company run offs, that sounds better than waste. Thank goodness this has been done, we don't want or need clean water. Take a dump in your glass of water, then drink it, yummy.

A finely tuned machine indeed.


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