There Are No Pending Comments

If you blog, you're familiar with that phrase. It's a part of the behind the scenes information all bloggers track. I learned from my first blog to not allow any comment to automatically post without my prior approval, not to stop opposing views, but to filter out inappropriate drive by hits and babbling about things unrelated to the specific post. There are rarely comments left on this blog so it hasn't been a hectic reviewing process.

But something strange has occurred in the stats section which tells me how many people have visited the blog. Today a very large number of people supposedly read my little plop. Here's the rub, this happened about a week and half ago with a day of large numbers of views, exciting, except when I checked back a day later, those numbers were gone and it showed zero for that day. I will of course be checking on today's abnormally high number. Exactly what is occurring I don't know. Is it a glitch or something else? Frequently the portal entrance to my blog is coming from foreign countries, particularly Russia. It seems odd that with large numbers of views there are no comments.

I myself have many pending comments but it has been fourteen days since my last post. Oddly enough I do not burn hot to write those comments. We are in the fourth week of the Trump Administration and it has certainly been a whirlwind of activity or so it appears. Trump has signed what seems to be daily Executive Orders and he has broadcast them all in an attempt to prove how much he's doing. Odd that a man and a Party that was so critical of Barack Obama's use of Executive Orders is furiously writing and celebrating them.

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has resigned, which is political speak for he was fired. Yet Donald Trump criticized fake news and the media for going after Flynn, whom he maintains is a good man, yet it is he who fired him. He didn't want to fire him, he was perfectly happy with Flynn's performance and he wouldn't have fired him, even though he knew three weeks ago that Flynn had lied about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador on the same day the Obama Administration enacted sanctions on Russia for it's hacking and interference in our Presidential Election. Trump knew that Flynn was possibly in danger of being blackmailed by the Russian Government and that he was being investigated by the F.B.I. because the Justice Department told him. But he did nothing. Flynn lied to Vice-president Pence and Pence went out and defended Flynn on media appearances, stating emphatically that Flynn never spoke about the sanctions. Whoops, he did. Only after reporting by the Washington Post and the New York Times did Trump conclude, probably with the counsel of Pence and son-in-law Jared Kushner, that Flynn had to go. Kushner was already looking for a replacement before the resignation was announced, yet Trump acts like Flynn fell on his sword after lies were told by the media, which is a load of hogwash. Flynn did not fall on his sword.

Trump is upset by all of the leaking coming from his Administration, he says it's criminal. How hypocritical considering his love of Wikileaks and Russian hacking, including asking Russia to commit more crimes against Americans.

Kellyanne Conway broke the law by hawking Ivanka Trump's jewelry line while giving media interviews directly as a Presidential Senior Advisor. Press Secretary Sean Spicer said she was counseled, whatever that means, but she should be facing disciplinary action. Conway has zero credibility and clearly is not a part of the inside group. She stated on the day of Flynn's resignation that he had the full support of the President. An hour later Sean Spicer completely contradicted her. I get that Conway is a hired gun and that's fine, but if she actually believes the crap that comes out of her mouth, she's bonkers.

Andy Puzder withdrew from the nomination process to be Secretary of Labor today. The C.E.O. of Hardees and Carl Jr.'s is a giant douchebag and as victories go this is minor but I'll take it. You could cite many reasons for this but in a nutshell it's as simple as there was enough Republican Senators saying behind the scenes that he was toast.

There are no further comments pending.


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