Danish Is Happiness

I have been saying this for years. A good cup of coffee and a nice danish will always make you happy.

A United Nations survey has concluded that Denmark is the happiest country on earth. It has consistently been in the top ten for many years. There is specific criteria that goes into the survey but I 'll spare you the wonky details. To put it in a nutshell it's about the Danes finding the right balance between labor and leisure and actually having confidence that their government is working for them and not the other way around.

Their social democratic approach to governing means that citizens do not have to worry about not being able to seek medical treatment or working full time but facing an empty dinner plate. They have strong labor unions that are not under assault from government. They actually have a $20.00 an hour minimum wage. So when you hear American politicians say (and they have this year, including Democrats) who wants to be Denmark, you need to pause and reflect on that. Then raise your hand and say "I do."

By the way, there are wealthy Danes, middle class Danes and poor Danes. The difference is they have chosen as a free society not to ignore the problems of their neighbors and to implement public policy that is rational and recognizes what in the long run is the good of a country whose minority prospers and enjoys life while the majority struggle and often fight lonely battles of despair.

I also believe the Danes love of pipes and pipe tobacco play an important role in happiness. I'm smoking a Neerup Pipe right now, which is made by Peder Jeppeson and you just can't look at one of Peder's pipes without smiling!

If you're wondering where the United States falls on this list, let's just say we are not in the top ten and I think we should all contemplate that, over a nice bowl of tobacco of course. Please join me in puffing our way to happiness.


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