A Big Problem
The first rule of politics is never underestimate your opponent. Every Republican candidate did this concerning Donald Trump. Not one of them took him on aggressively from day one. The presumptive nominee, Jeb Bush, allowed Trump to define him as a low energy clueless dolt for weeks before attempting what repeatedly was a weak counterattack. The rest of them ducked for cover hoping not to be a target. Trump chose Bush as his first victim because he knew that strategically he had to dispatch him quickly. Trump has repeated this pattern each time a new person rose in the ranks. But still the field failed to take his candidacy seriously. Donald Trump has been threatening to run for President since 1996. The Republican Party in theory should have a massive oppo research file on him but they don't. The reason is as simple as underestimating him and also repeatedly going to him for political donations. Like any smart businessman he has spread the wealth over both major parties and indiv...