
Showing posts from January, 2016

Calling All Iowans

It's finally here, the greatest spectacle in American politics begins tomorrow. The Iowa Caucuses will officially start the real battle for the Presidency. For the first time the voters true voices will be heard. Who will the victors be? On November 30, 2015 I posted my predictions. So you don't have to search for them, for the Republicans it was 1. Cruz 2. Carson and 3. Trump. At the time I felt pretty confident about that lineup but things change quickly in politics and Carson has fallen dramatically, so much so he may not even be in the top three. Ted Cruz has the best ground organization in Iowa of all the Republicans. At the start of his campaign he brought in 500 volunteers from Texas. He leased dorms at an abandoned college to house them. I still believe he has the strength to finish strong but he may very well be at number two with Donald Trump taking the prize. I'm not convinced that Rubio is the rising candidate that so many pundits talk about. For the Democrats...

Trump Is Right

What? Good God Kane have you lost your mind? Not at all, I assure you I know the precise location of my mind. Donald Trump says he will not do the FOX debate tomorrow night and his decision is correct and in his position I'd do the same. FOX News, with the consent of Roger Ailes, putting out a press statement that they have received backchannel information that Putin and the Ayatollah plans to treat Trump unfairly if he's President and saying Trump will use his Twitter followers to determine whether he'll meet with them is phoney, juvenile and anyone with a functioning brain knows it's tounge in cheek and meant to get under the skin of Trump. This from a News organization making up a story. Oh right it's FOX, so it's just another day. Trump doesn't need FOX, it's debate or any other media outlets services. They all cover him non-stop because he's good for ratings and he is a master manipulator of the media in general. He is like no other political ...

Daddy Warbucks

Mike Bloomberg is playing peekaboo presidential politics again. Yes I did just write about it but let's do some more. Bloomberg is worth an estimated 36.5 billion dollars so as you can see his pledge to spend a mere one billion of his own money is nothing to him. He makes Donald Trump look poor. Let's be clear, he claims to be repulsed by the thought of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee but I bet he wasn't always repulsed by the New York real estate tycoon. Beyond his massive ego and Nanny state wet dreams, what is his real motivation for letting this information out now? He's broadcasting it loud and clear and it's aimed at Democratic voters, are you listening? He is stating with zero ambiguity that if Bernie Sanders is the nominee he'll seriously consider an independent campaign. If you nominate Hillary Clinton, no probs, he'll stay out. That's how Clinton interprets her friend Mike's statement so she's going to help him out by winning, ...

Oh Canada

Is Ted Cruz qualified to be President of the United States? Donald Trump has casually brought this up, but he's actually not the first. It has simply been ignored. I'm no legal scholar either in the U.S. or Canada, but there are a significant number of respected constitutional law scholars in our country who state that it is not a settled matter in spite of what the elite lawyer Ted Cruz says. Let's take a look at the U.S. Constitution itself. Article II Section 1 paragraph 5 states:"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five years, and fourteen years a resident within the United States." The Fourteenth Amendment Section 1. sentence 1.: " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction ther...

Not Again

The New York Times is reporting that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has instructed his team to begin analyzing an independent run for the 2016 Presidential election. The former Democrat turned Republican turned Independent turned Nanny multi-billionaire is reportedly reviled by the thought of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee and Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. His advisors say he must decide by March if he's going to run. Here's my advice Mike, stay out of it. Bloomberg has told his inner circle he's prepared to spend one billion dollars of his own money to finance the campaign. Let us journey now to the recent past. In the 2008 Presidential cycle Bloomberg made the same financial commitment and teased at an independent run then, even meeting with potential running mates like Republican Chuck Hagel. There was a massive online petition to draft Bloomberg, with his permission of course. He ultimately decided not to run but milked it for all it was w...

National Review: Dump Trump

The National Review has brought together multiple conservative writers in an issue of Bill Buckley's magazine to launch a mega attack on Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. The crux being that they believe he is not a conservative. Says who? Them? Who gets to determine what someone's political ideology is at any given time. By today's standards adhered to by the extreme forces which are dominant in the so called conservative movement would reject many of that modern movements iconic figures including Bill Buckley. When Buckley changed his mind on the Iraq War and came out against it he was villified by those strident voices. Ronald Reagan was a liberal Democrat and staunch supporter of FDR before changing his views and becoming a conservative. He was not embraced by the conservative establishment, who believed he was nothing but an empty suit and could never be elected President. In fact they worked against him. Even though he is invoked frequently now, he could never s...

Dancing With the Democrats

It has been very easy to cover the Republican Presidential race this election cycle because the field is so large and so colorful in their rhetoric that they are collectively the gift that keeps giving. Now the Democratic race is truly interesting and heating up. Hillary Clinton has a big problem and his name is Bernie Sanders. Sorry Governor O'Malley but you are now irrelevant. A year ago Clinton was probably happy that so many potential Democratic Candidates were withholding their decision to run in anticipation of her believed inevitable announcement. Now I would bet she wishes a dozen had run and that the DNC had scheduled more debates. She's probably even sorry Joe Biden didn't run. The inevitable candidate is once again in danger of being Obamaed. Bernie Sanders is a serious candidate with the necessary grassroots movement to take the nomination away from Hillary Clinton. She didn't believe it at the beginning of last summer but she and her advisors believe it ...

Barack Obama Ate My Homework

Barack Obama gets blamed for everything from original sin to tainted meat by his political adversaries and haters in general. The latest comes from the Patron Saint of Gibberish, Sarah Palin. Dear Sarah was speaking at a Trump rally yesterday and started  in her own words, "acknowledging the elephant in the room". That was reference to the fact that her son Track has been arrested in Alaska on domestic violence charges. He is accused of beating his girlfriend. Track served a tour in Afghanistan and Palin talked, incoherently, about soldiers coming back different and implying that Track has P.T.S.D. She then blamed President Obama for this and said that's why we need a President who will care about what happens to our soldiers. Sarah Palin is an idiot. Not because of intelligence, or lack of, but because her political rhetoric contradicts itself a dozen times a day. She's a self identified Mama Grizzly but that is just one more fake description in the myth of Sarah P...

Queen of the Demented

No it's not an Anne Rice novel, it's none other than that intellectually disinterested magpie Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump. Wonder what the master of the deal promised her? I smell Cabinet. Not one of the biggies but definitely a place. She was a Ted Cruz guy. Her endorsement, according to Cruz, is what got him elected to the Senate. She had not yet made a Presidential endorsement but Cruz clearly wanted it. Trump punched Cruz squarely in the jaw by securing the Mama Grizzly's stamp of approval just two weeks before the Iowa Caucuses. Make no mistake there is quid pro quo but will it really help Trump? Her speech was generalized stale Palin patter. Other than the fact that she is a beautiful woman, I will never understand the allure of this self serving quitter whose greatest frame of knowledge reference comes from sugar packets. What's next, Trump in a onesy at  a WWE Smackdown?

I Hate January, Idiots and Cheese Whiz

I hate the month of January, always have and see nothing which could change my mind. While many see the ringing in of the New Year as a time of renewal and a time to set new goals, I see at as the bitter cold of nothingness, both figuratively and literally. On a brighter note, this past Saturday the first day of the implementation of the Iran Nuclear Deal officially began. On that day five American prisoners held in Iran were freed. Four of them were in exchange for seven Iranian prisoners held by our country on various charges, none of which were terror related but that didn't stop  President Obama's critics from complaining about it. I doubt the freed Americans care and I certainly don't. It was offers of good will on both sides. On the issue of the nuclear deal itself, the idiots of our country continue to regurgitate the lie about the billions of dollars we are giving Iran. The one hundred billion dollars in question belongs to Iran and are assets which had been froze...

New Beginnings and Old Conspiracies

Happy New Year and welcome to 2016. You are being watched. Is Google evil? They say they're not, in fact since their founding it's been a guiding principle. As a young start-up they were cute and cuddley, now they are a behemoth seeking to devour your very soul, according to their detractors. Google and let's be fair, all of the internet powers know you intimately. What's more, most of us voluntarily offer up all of that information. Are you on Facebook? Posting blurbs about your likes and dislikes, your family secrets? Posting non-stop about your vacations and partying on the weekends with your friends? Did you just complain about your hemorrhoids and then acted shocked when you got coupons for Preparation H? Oh my, what magic is this? How did they know about my affliction? They know where you are and what you want. How many times have you been on a website only to notice that the ads most peculiarly seem to be all things you love and buy. Even more creepy how about...