The End
Well it's New Year's Eve and 2015 will soon be a memory. I feel compelled to file a final post. You may have been wondering, where is Kane? Why haven't we heard from Kane? Has he foresaken us? No dear readers I have not. I could do a year in review thing, but there are a ton of those and do you really want to review the year that gave us Donald Trump for President? Here's a story on just how lame our elected officials can be. Hawaii just announced it will become the first state to raise the smoking age to 21. You can put on a uniform and go fight and die for your country but you can't have a beer and now a smoke. The governor and legislators of Hawaii have just demonstrated what government often chooses to do in place of actually addressing and fixing real problems. They prefer the easiest road to make themselves feel like they have accomplished something good. It's also non- controversial, don't smoke and drink kids, it's bad for you. Statements akin ...