Rand to the Ring
The junior Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, announced his candidacy for President of the United States. That's two so far for the Republicans with a long list of others yet to come.
Paul wants to take our country back. Isn't that what all politicians proclaim, especially Republicans. Take it back from whom? Themselves would seem to be the logical response. Isn't it funny how all of these people who fight so hard to be a part of the power structure want to dismantle it? Can you say disingenuous.
While we're taking it back where is it we're taking it? Is it to the mythical time when America was a better place? At what point in our history is it that Paul would like to take us?
He spoke today of how Washington is broken and it's both party's fault. According to him he is not of Washington and will go there to heal the nation. Sounds a lot like Barack Obama in 2008.
Rand Paul has a father you may have heard of. The Ron Paul Revolution fired up some intensely loyal followers and financial contributors. Is Rand a carbon copy of his dad? If he wants a fighting chance to be the nominee he better not be. I don't believe he is and while his announcement was delivered flawlessly it's content about real proposals for the future was zero. It did contain the mandatory repeal of the Affordable Care Act but nothing about what he would replace it with. Of course the President can't repeal that law on day one, only Congress can do that and they also have no viable plan to replace it. Did I mention the Affordable Care Act was a Republican idea? Well it was, just saying.
Who is Rand Paul? If you judge by his Senate record he is not a political healer and he's said a lot of questionable things. I'm sure he'll reinvent himself to meet the needs of the day.
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