Well isn't this sweeter than Grandma's peach pie!

At least six Whitehouse advisors, Federal government employees all, including Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Steve Bannon used their private emails to conduct official business.

Do you suppose the Trump supporters at his rallies will start chanting LOCK THEM UP? They sure loved saying it about Hillary Clinton throughout his campaign and are continuing to do so, all at the urging and to the delight of Donald Trump. Will he silence that rhetoric now? Of course not, he wouldn't dare interrupt the mad rantings of his loyalists, he can't afford to. Like Victor Frankenstein, he cannot control his creation.

So what to do? Trump will simply ignore it, call it fake news, say there's no comparison and tell his fans to just trust him, he and he alone is their saviour and can do no wrong and since he can do no wrong, neither can his minions.

Rience Priebus, the now fallen Chief of Staff, knew this was going on and tried to get Whitehouse staff to lock up their personal devices but they all ignored him, including Bannon's acolyte, Steven Miller, the demented little twerp that acts like he works for a Generalissimo. Imagine making it all the way to the pinnacle of your aspirations, Chief of Staff to the President of the United States, only to be treated like a piss boy. To be humiliated by not only the President but by a gaggle of sycophants hired to massage the Trump Nuts.

Oh what a wicked web we weave.



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